3D beveled lettering just makes my eyes sizzle and dance but I’ve never understood why certain lines don’t align with others, why the shadows are where they are (sometimes they aren’t consistent with the imaginary light source), and when the interior lines connect at a triangle vs a quadrilateral shape. This topic is especially hard for me because my brain cannot envision 3D objects. Do you remember all those pictures of flat shapes on those standardized school tests and you’d have to choose what it would look like all folded up? Yah, did NOT do well on those portions (or any portions…). So I had to get my husband and my IG friend Kiki (@the.kiki.b) to help me figure out how to even draw the “3” to introduce it for this week’s topic! After that, it still took me hours to throw it together and after ALL that, I still don’t like how it looks. My husband kept saying “Think of it as a roof, this ridge goes up, this goes up, yada yada yada”. So this week I’m going to dive into this demon of a letter. It may take me more than a week, I’ll keep ya posted. WISH ME LUCK!